(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fc][gd][ge][fe][cn][en][bp][pp][pd][pf] AB[dd][ed][ec][fd][df][dk][dp][cq][fq][nc][kd] LB[qj:A] C[Supplement to Problem 71: White's best move. Instead of playing A as in the Problem Diagram, ... ] ;W[bk] TE[2] C[... White should have slid to 1. This is the joseki move and it cannot be omitted. White's stones are settled and the territory on the left side is up for grabs. ] ;B[qk];W[qi];B[qn];W[qo];B[pn];W[nq] C[The game would most likely continue with the sequence to 7. <= ] ) )