EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 E17 D14 D4 K3 K16 K13 SETUP B Q3 Q5 Q16 N16 F17 F16 G13 MARK A@Q10 COM Supplement to Problem 45: Black's mistake. Instead of extending to A, ... ENDCOM B 1 H16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM ... Black should have played 1. It is now White who has to make shape for her stones. ENDCOM W 2 M15 COM White 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 N15 W 4 M14 COM ... and 4 are the usual way to do so, but ... ENDCOM B 5 O13 MARK 3@N15 COM ... these moves provoke 3 and 5, enabling Black to begin building a moyo in the upper right. <= ENDCOM