(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][nq][kq][ko][eq][dp][dn] AB[pd][oo][qo][pq][iq][fq][fp] LB[pi:A] C[Supplement to Problem 23: Correct for Black. Instead of playing at A in the Problem Diagram, ... ] ;B[io] TE[2] C[... Black should have reinforced his stones at the bottom with 1. ] (;W[mo] C[Now it is White who must defend with 2. Next, ... ] ;B[pi] C[... Black can extend to 3. <= ] ) (;W[ck] LB[mo:@] C[If White omits @ and extends to 2, ... ] ;B[lp] C[... Black will attack White's stones at 3 ... ] ;W[kp];B[mr] C[... and 5. <= ] ) )