(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fc][qn][qj][oc][nc][mc][md][me][le] AB[dd][dp][cn][dj][pp][nq][pd][pc][nd][ne][pf][mf][kd][lb] TR[le] C[Problem 136. White to play. In Variation 1 of Problem 30, White extended with the marked stone. How should Black continue at the top ? ] ;B[gd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The shoulder hit of Black 1, a leaning attack, is a move that would not occur to many players, but, in this position, it is quite severe. <= ] (;W[ee] C[White tries to break out into the center with 2 ... ] ;B[de];W[ge] C[... and 4, but ... ] ;B[he];W[gf];B[hf] LB[he:5] C[... Black plays 5 and 7. These last two moves attack the six white stones in the right, so ... ] ;W[lf] C[... White must get into the center with 8. ] ;B[gc] C[Black now takes the initiative on the left with 9 ... ] ;W[fd];B[gg] C[... and 11. The white stones there are now in trouble. <= ] ) (;W[fd] C[If White pushes with 2 ... ] ;B[fe];W[ee] C[... and 4, ... ] ;B[ff] C[... Black extends to 5. ] ;W[ed] C[After White connects with 6, ] ;B[kg] C[... Black attacks the stones on the right with 7. ] ;W[ke];B[jd];W[je];B[id];W[jg];B[jh];W[ig];B[ie];W[if];B[kh];W[ih] C[White manages to get out into the center with the sequence to 18, but ... ] ;B[dc] C[... Black switches back to the left and ... ] ;W[de];B[be];W[bf];B[bd];W[dg];B[fh] C[... traps the white stones with the sequence to 25. White is unable to live. <= ] ) )