(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cc][cd][de][dg][ch][rc][rd][qd][pc][oc][od][md][fc][hc][jd][je][ie][he][ge][hg][ih][ji] AB[cb][dc][eb][ed][ee][ef][dp][pp][qb][qc][pd][pe][qe][kd][ke][jc][ic][id][gf][fh][jf][lf][kg][ij] LB[ij:A][ji:B] C[Problem 135. Black to play. When Black caps with A, White comes out diagonally with B. How should Black continue his attack ? ] ;B[kk] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Exchanging Black 1 ... ] ;W[li] C[... for White 2 is natural, ... ] ;B[nf] C[... but Black 3 is a move that many players would miss. However, it is important because, if White were to play on this point, the black stones at the top would be separated. ] (;W[mj] C[White moves out with 4, ... ] ;B[pi] C[... but Black attacks with 5. This move is also sente against the white stones in the corner, ... ] (;W[rb] C[... so White must defend with 6. ] ;B[ml] C[Next, Black continues the attack with 7 ... ] ;W[oj];B[qk] C[... and 9. The white stones are now in serious trouble. <= ] ) (;W[ml] TR[pi] C[White dies. White wants to jump to 6 in answer to the marked stone, but if she does, ... ] ;B[rb] C[... Black will turn at 7. ] ;W[re] C[White fights back by cutting through with 8 ... ] ;B[rf];W[qf] C[... and 10. but ... ] ;B[pf];W[qg];B[rg];W[pg];B[og];W[qh];B[rh];W[qi];B[qj];W[ri];B[rj] C[... the white stones on the right are dead after the sequence to Black 21. <= ] )) (;W[mk] TR[nf] C[Variation. In response to the marked stone, White might jump out into the center with the knight's move of 4. ] ;B[ni] C[Black attacks with 5 ... ] ;W[mi];B[nj] C[... and 7, ... ] ;W[lk];B[re] C[... makes a sente move with 9, ... ] ;W[rb];B[ol] C[... then stakes out territory on the right side with 11. ] ;W[kl];B[fj] C[Black jumps out with 13, and ... ] ;W[jk] C[... White secures her stones in the center with 14. ] ;B[cj] C[Black now attacks the white group in the upper left with 15 ... ] ;W[bi];B[bj] C[... and 17; ... ] ;W[df] C[... White must defend in gote with 18. ] ;B[fq] C[Finally, Black reinforces his corner with 19. In this attack, Black hasn't really gone all out for the kill. Instead, he has built up his territory on the right with moves that threaten White's stones. He gets the initiative on the left by attacking the white stones in the upper left. Black is now far ahead. This is a good example of the correct way to attack. <= ] ) )