(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][cf][kc][kd][kf][lg][qc][qd][qf][rf][kq][cq][dp][fq] AB[fc][id][jc][jf][kg][pc][pd][pe][og][qh][pp][bp][cn][ck] TR[lg] C[Problem 133. Black to play. White has just played the marked stone (see Problem 57). How should Black counter this move ? ] ;B[ke] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should atari at 1. ] ;W[le] C[White has no choice but to block with 2. ] ;B[lf];W[mf];B[kf] C[After Black connects with 5, ... ] ;W[ne];B[pf];W[md] C[... the sequence to 8 is inevitable. ] ;B[lh];W[mg];B[mh];W[qb];B[nc];W[mc];B[ng] C[Black now builds a wall in the center. ] ;W[nb] C[White can live with her stones by playing 16, but Black ends in sente. Black's thick wall in the center gives him a huge advantage. <= ] ) )