(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][cf][qc][qd][qf][rf][jq][jo][jm][jk][cn][dn][dp][eq] AB[gc][jd][pc][pd][pe][og][qh][pp][qp][mq][gk][gm][dk][fq][fp] LB[gk:A][dk:C][cn:D][jk:B][qp:E] C[Problem 132. White to play. The game in Problem 128 continued with the sequence to Black E. What should White do now ? ] ;W[fl] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should peep with 1 ... ] ;B[gl];W[fn] C[... and 3. ] ;B[ip] C[After Black exchanges 4 ... ] ;W[jp] C[... for 5, ... ] ;B[gn] C[... Black has to defend with 6. ] ;W[ej] C[White can now attack the black stone on the left with 7. Black's stones in the bottom left are in a pinch, while White is threatening to take all the territory on the left side. However, White's stones in the middle are not in any trouble because there is a lot of room in the center. <= ] ) )