(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ch][cg][dg][ef][ee][cd][co][od][ie][hd][hf][hg][ih][jf][kf][kg][lg][mg][mf] AB[cb][ec][fd][fe][ff][eg][dh][di][ci][pp][qd][mc][me][le][ke][je][ld][lf][jc][ig][if] TR[ih] C[Problem 129. Black to play. White has just secured the center with the marked stone (White 16 in the Correct Answer of Problem 85). What should Black do next ? ] ;B[bd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Attaching with Black 1 is a severe attack on the white stones. ] (;W[be];B[bc];W[cf];B[dd];W[de];B[bh];W[bg];B[bi];W[af] C[White can live with the sequence to 10, but she ends in gote, while Black expands his corner territory and increases his influence facing down on the left side. <= ] ) (;W[bc] C[Variation. White can't resist with 2. ] ;B[be];W[cc];B[ce];W[de];B[bb];W[ad];B[dd] C[The sequence to Black 9 will follow and the white stones are dead. <= ] ) )