EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C12 C13 D13 E14 E15 C16 C5 P16 J15 H16 H14 H13 J12 K14 L14 L13 M13 N13 N14 SETUP B C18 E17 F16 F15 F14 E13 D12 D11 C11 Q4 R16 N17 N15 M15 L15 K15 M16 M14 K17 J13 J14 MARK \t@J12 COM Problem 129. Black to play. White has just secured the center with the marked stone (White 16 in the Correct Answer of Problem 85). What should Black do next ? ENDCOM B 1 B16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Attaching with Black 1 is a severe attack on the white stones. ENDCOM W 2 B15 VAR W 2 B17 COM Variation. White can't resist with 2. ENDCOM B 3 B15 W 4 C17 B 5 C15 W 6 D15 B 7 B18 W 8 A16 B 9 D16 COM The sequence to Black 9 will follow and the white stones are dead. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 B17 W 4 C14 B 5 D16 W 6 D15 B 7 B12 W 8 B13 B 9 B11 W 10 A14 COM White can live with the sequence to 10, but she ends in gote, while Black expands his corner territory and increases his influence facing down on the left side. <= ENDCOM