EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 C14 R17 R16 R14 S14 D4 D6 K3 SETUP B F17 K16 Q17 Q16 Q15 P13 R12 F3 N3 Q4 MARK \t@N3 COM Problem 128. White to play. Black has just played the marked stone. What should White do ? [You will find a supplement to this Problem Diagram as "Problem 148"] ENDCOM W 1 E3 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should attach with 1 and ... ENDCOM VAR W 1 F6 COM Failure. White 1 is the wrong direction. ENDCOM B 2 J4 COM Black plays the shoulder hit of 2 and ... ENDCOM W 3 K4 B 4 J5 W 5 K5 B 6 J6 W 7 L7 B 8 J8 MARK \t@N3 COM ... escapes into the center up to 8. Because of the marked stone, White's stones are a bit cramped. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 H3 COM Failure. White 1 is inefficient. ENDCOM B 2 C3 COM Black invades the corner with 2 and ... ENDCOM W 3 D3 B 4 D2 W 5 E2 B 6 C2 W 7 E3 B 8 B5 MARK A@K5 1@H3 COM ... lives with the sequence to 8. White's stones are overconcentrated. The stone at 1 would be better placed at A. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 D3 COM Failure. Defending the corner with 1 loses a tempo. ENDCOM B 2 J4 COM Black attacks with the shoulder hit of 2. ENDCOM W 3 K4 B 4 J5 W 5 J3 B 6 G4 W 7 M4 B 8 L6 W 9 N4 B 10 O3 COM The sequence to Black 10 leaves the white stones heavy. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 F4 COM ... Black will respond with 2. ENDCOM W 3 K5 COM White now jumps out into the open with 3 ... ENDCOM B 4 G7 W 5 K7 COM ... and 5. Although White's stones don't have eye shape, neither do Black's. <= ENDCOM