(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dq][co][lo][ml][ol][om][pl][on][oo][qo][ro][ne][md][od][qc] AB[dd][pq][qp][np][no][mn][ln][pm][qm][ql][pk][rc][qd][pe][oe] C[Problem 127. White to play. The white stones in the lower right don't have eyes. What should White do ? ] (;W[oi] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should attack with 1. ] ;B[qi] C[Black is forced to submissively defend on the third line with 2. ] ;W[nj] LB[qh:A] C[Next, White 3 threatens to attach at A, ... ] ;B[ph] C[... so Black defends with 4. ] ;W[ng] C[White can now build influence throughout the center with 5. <= ] ) (;W[pi] C[Failure. White 1 looks like a tesuji. Players who have studied this move in joseki books would be tempted to play it. But ... ] (;B[oj] LB[pi:1] C[... Black will answer White 1 with the diagonal move of 2. ] (;W[oi] C[If White plays the normal moves of 3 ... ] ;B[nj];W[mh] C[... and 5, ... ] ;B[lj] C[... her eight stones below are in serious trouble. <= ] ) (;W[nj] C[Failure. White 1 is crude. ] ;B[pi] C[It just provokes Black to defend his territory on the fourth line with 2. <= ] ) (;W[lj] C[If White 3 here, ... ] ;B[oi] LB[pi:1] C[... Black quells the white stone at 1 by playing at 4. <= ] )) (;B[ok] C[If Black follows the usual sequence of 2 ... ] ;W[nk];B[oj] C[... and 4, his stones are in trouble ... ] ;W[nh];B[qj];W[qi] LB[rk:A][nh:5] C[... after White 5 and 7. Next, White A is a deadly move. <= ] )) )