EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W E18 D17 C16 D14 G16 Q18 P18 O17 L17 P14 R14 S14 Q13 Q12 R11 R6 S4 B3 D3 D4 E4 E2 C6 C7 D8 D9 F9 H9 K9 SETUP B E17 G17 H16 G15 F15 R18 R17 L15 O14 P13 Q14 Q15 Q16 R15 Q4 O3 E3 G4 F4 E5 D5 C5 B5 D11 F11 D7 E7 H7 K7 MARK \t@S4 COM Problem 126. Black to play. White slides into the corner with the marked stone. What should Black do ? ENDCOM B 1 P7 MARK A@R7 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black jumps all the way out with 1, aiming at A. ENDCOM VAR B 1 Q6 COM Failure. Black 1 ... ENDCOM W 2 Q7 B 3 P6 COM ... and 3 are not good because ... ENDCOM W 4 Q8 B 5 G10 W 6 G9 B 7 J10 W 8 J9 B 9 O8 COM ... Black ends in gote with 9. ENDCOM W 10 L11 MARK A@C11 COM White can now play 10. In this variation, White still has the option to attach at A. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 Q8 COM White defends with 2 and ... ENDCOM B 3 P8 COM ... Black pushes with 3, ... ENDCOM W 4 Q9 COM ... forcing White to extend to 4. ENDCOM B 5 G10 W 6 G9 B 7 J10 W 8 J9 B 9 L11 COM Black now attacks with the sequence to 9. The white stones on the left are in a pinch. Next ... ENDCOM VAR B 9 C10 COM Failure. Attacking White's eye shape with Black 9 is not good. ENDCOM W 10 L11 COM White can take the vital point of 2 and Black won't be able to make much territory at the top. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 10 C11 COM White has to make eye shape for her stones. She does this by playing at 10 and ... ENDCOM B 11 C12 W 12 B11 B 13 B12 W 14 D10 B 15 D12 W 16 B9 MARK A@F18 COM ... playing the sequence to 16. Black ends in sente, and the moyo and territory he has built below and above are enough to win. Next, Black can attack the white stones in the upper left corner by playing A in sente. If Black becomes thick around here, it could affect the white stones in the upper right. <= ENDCOM