(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][pb][qb][qc][qd][qf][qg][nc][ne][ng][dq][cn] AB[eb][fd][de][be][ob][oc][pc][pd][pe][pf][pg][nd][pp] LB[nd:A] C[Problem 125. White to play. Black wedges in with A. What should White do ? ] ;W[md] LB[nd:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Answering Black A with the atari of White 1 is obvious, but ... ] ;B[mc] C[... White must be careful when Black cuts with 2. ] (;W[lc] C[White 3 ... ] ;B[nb];W[mb] C[... and 5 are the best moves. ] ;B[me];W[ld];B[nf];W[mf];B[oe] C[The sequence continues to Black 10. ] ;W[lf] LB[le:A] C[Here White 12 is the strongest move. White gets an excellent result because Black has gained absolutely no territory, while White has built a thick position on the outside. Later, if White gets to play A, Black might have a hard time to get two eyes. <= ] ) (;W[nb] LB[mc:2] C[Failure. Answering the cut of Black 2 by descending to 3 might be good in some situations, but here ... ] ;B[mb];W[na];B[od];W[oa];B[qe];W[re];B[qh];W[rd];B[rh];W[rg];B[sg];W[rf];B[oi] C[... Black gets a good position on the outside with the sequence to 15. ] ;W[lc] C[Just like the Correct Answer, White has a strong position in the top right, but here, Black's stones on the right side are secure and work well with his stone in the lower right corner. <= ] ) )