EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 C6 D3 Q18 R18 R17 R16 R14 R13 O17 O15 O13 SETUP B E18 F16 D15 B15 Q4 P18 P17 Q17 Q16 Q15 Q14 Q13 Q12 MARK A@Q12 COM Problem 122. White to play. How should White attack the black stones after Black extends to A ? ENDCOM W 1 P11 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should play the shoulder hit of 1. ENDCOM B 2 R12 W 3 R10 B 4 S12 W 5 S14 B 6 R9 W 7 Q9 B 8 S10 W 9 R8 B 10 S9 COM Black struggles to get a position on the right side, but ... ENDCOM W 11 Q8 COM ... White gets a lot of influence on the outside with 11. Black, for his part, has gained almost no territory. <= ENDCOM