(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dc][df][ch][bg][co][dp][gq][jq][rp][rn][sn][sm][qm][ql][rl][qk][qj][pj][qi][ri][qh][qd][rd][qa][pa][pb][pc][oc][od][oe][mb][mc][lc][kc][kd][kb][jb][hb][hj][nk][gk][hk][cr][dq][hp][ho][cn][dm] AB[bh][cj][cm][oq][qp][qn][qo][ro][so][rh][sg][rf][re][qe][pe][pd][qc][rc][qb][ra][ne][nf][md][ld][nb][ib][ic][jc][jd][je][ke][fc][fe][gi][pk][ok][oj][ol][pi][ph][gj][dr][eq][fp][gp][fn][dn][hm] TR[cn] C[Problem 121. Black to play. In the game in Problem 115, White cut with the marked stone. How should Black continue ? ] (;B[dl] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should first atari at 1, ... ] ;W[em];B[fm] C[... then push with 3 ... ] ;W[el];B[fl];W[ek];B[fk] C[... to 7. ] ;W[ej] C[After White 8, ... ] ;B[jm] C[... Black jumps to 9, staking out a huge territory in the center. Although Black can't get any territory on the left side, he still has some aji there, so White might not be able to claim all the territory there. <= ] ) (;B[em] C[Variation. Black ataried with 1 ... ] ;W[dl];B[fk];W[cl] C[... and the game continued with the sequence to 4. Black's stones here are thinner than in the Correct Answer, but White won't get as much territory on the left side. <= ] ) )