(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[bb][cb][db][dc][ed][fc][dh][cl][cr][dq][eq][gq][jq][nc][qj][qm] AB[cc][bc][ad][be][ce][de][dd][df][ec][bq][cq][dp][co][fo][oq][qp][pd][qf] LB[nc:A][qf:B][qm:C] C[Problem 120. Black to play. White has played the sequence to C on the right side. How should Black continue ? [You will find a supplement to this Problem Diagram as "Problem 147"] ] ;B[cj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. On the left side, Black is strong above and below, while White's two stones are thin. Therefore, Black should invade at 1. Next ... ] ;W[dj] C[If White attaches with 2, ... ] (;B[ci];W[di];B[ch] LB[ci:3] C[... Black can link up with his stones at the top with 3 and 5. White's stones are still without eye shape. <= ] ) (;B[di] C[Failure. Wedging in with Black 3 is not good in this position. ] ;W[ci] C[White can now secure her stones on the left side by playing 4 ... ] ;B[ei];W[bj] C[... and 6. <= ] ) )