(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][cf][qh][ql][pp][jp] AB[fc][jd][oc][qd][qj][dp] TR[qh] C[Problem 119. Black to play. White has invaded with the marked stone. How should Black respond ? ] (;B[pi] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Since Black has a strong position at the top. he should attack the white stone with the diagonal move of 1. Next ... ] ;W[qe] C[White will first play the forcing moves of 2 ... ] ;B[pd];W[rd] C[... and 4, ... ] ;B[rc];W[og] LB[se:C][sd:B][rf:A][rd:4][qe:2] C[... then jump to 6. White 2 and 4 gives White the option of getting eye shape with a ko by playing the sequence White A - Black B - White C. ] ;B[ni];W[mg];B[li];W[kg];B[ji];W[ig];B[hi];W[gg];B[fi] C[Black boldly chases White up to 15, ] ;W[eg];B[hd] LB[qn:D] C[... then defends the top with 17. Black now aims to invade at D. This result is a great success for Black. White has obtained no territory, while Black has built a massive wall in the center. ] ;W[lc] TR[hd] C[After Black defends with the marked stone, invading with White 18 is unreasonable. ] ;B[nf];W[ng];B[lf];W[lg];B[jf] LB[nf:19][lf:21] C[Black peeps with 19, 21, and 23, ... ] ;W[jg];B[kb] C[... then plays 25, and the territory at the top belongs to Black. <= ] ) (;B[oj] C[Failure. Jumping to Black 1 is a slack move. ] ;W[rj] C[White can easily make sabaki by attaching underneath with 2. <= ] ) (;B[oi] C[Failure. The knight's move of Black 1 is also slack. ] ;W[pj];B[pi];W[qi];B[pk];W[rj];B[oj];W[qk] C[White can link up her stones with the sequence to 8. <= ] ) )