(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ci][ei][fr][fq][eq][gq][dp][cp][eo][bo][cn][lq][lo][rp][qn][qk][pb][ob][nb][nc][oe][pe][qd] AB[ec][dd][cg][eg][bp][bq][cq][dq][dr][er][ep][nq][pp][qq][rq][qi][mb][mc][md][ic][nd][od][oc][ne] C[Problem 118. White to play. How should White attack the lone black stone on the right side ? ] (;W[oj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The knight's move of White 1, driving Black into her strong position above, is a good move. ] ;B[oi];W[ni];B[oh];W[nh];B[qg];W[ng] C[After White 7, ... ] ;B[rj];W[rk];B[rf];W[re];B[rh] C[... Black makes a living group with the sequence to 12, but ... ] ;W[gh] C[... White's moyo is enormous after she plays 13. <= ] ) (;W[oi] C[Failure. White 1 is overly aggressive. ] ;B[pj];W[nk];B[oj];W[nj];B[pl];W[ql];B[ol] C[Black runs away towards his stones at the bottom with the sequence to 8, but ... ] ;W[on] C[... White keeps him on the run with 9. Next ... ] ;B[nl];W[lk];B[mm];W[no];B[km] C[Up to 14, Black breaks into White's moyo. ] ;W[jk] C[This is extremely risky for White; she now has to kill Black to win. But this is not so easy because Black has a lot to room to maneuver. <= ] ) )