(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ce][cd][dc][fc][dp][fq][qj][qf][rd] AB[de][cf][df][dj][cn][pp][ql][pd][nc] TR[rd] C[Problem 117. Black to play. White has just played the marked stone. What should Black do ? ] (;B[qh] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black is strong at the top, this is his chance to invade at 1. Black's aim is to attack the lone white stone on the right. ] ;W[of] C[If White jumps to 2, ] ;B[pi] TR[qj] C[... Black plays the diagonal move of 3. The marked stone is now under attack. ] ;W[qc] C[If White 4, Black simply takes up position at the top with 5. ] ;B[kc];W[pj] TR[kc] C[After Black played the marked stone, White will run away with 6 ... ] ;B[ni];W[pl];B[qm];W[oj] C[... to 10. ] ;B[ng] C[Black makes shape with 11. ] ;W[mk] C[White 12 is necessary, so ... ] ;B[nf] LB[qm:4] C[... Black can make a wall with 13. Although this result is not decisive for Black, he has managed to strengthen his position with 4 and White's stones still lack eyes. <= ] ) (;B[qc] C[Failure. Defending the corner with Black 1 is a passive move; Black has failed to disrupt White's position and to take the initiative. ] ;W[ph] LB[qn:A] C[White secures her stones with 2. Next, she aims at an invasion at A. <= ] ) )