(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][dq][cn][nc][pb][qb][qc][qd][qf] AB[eb][fd][de][be][pp][pd][pe][pc][oc][ob] TR[be] C[Problem 113. White to play. Black has just secured the corner with the marked stone. What should White do ? [You will find a supplement to this Problem Diagram as "Problem 146"] ] ;W[ne] TE[2] C[Correct answer. White should press her advantage on the right side, attacking the five black stones by jumping to 1. Next ... ] ;B[pf] C[Black presses against the white stones with 2 ... ] ;W[qg];B[pg] C[... and 4, but ... ] ;W[ng] C[... White continues the attack with 5. White is building influence in the center, but Black is gaining nothing. <= ] ) )