(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][ce][be][df][ef][cg][ch][bo][co][dp][fp][nq][kq][pr][qb][qc][pb][pd][pe][jd] AB[cc][dc][fc][cf][bf][bg][bh][cj][dh][dg][bn][cn][en][qq][pp][pn][qi][pc][oc][qd] C[Problem 112. Black to play. How can Black take the initiative at the top ? ] ;B[gf] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The sequence ... ] ;W[ed];B[gb];W[eh];B[fe] C[... to Black 5 severely attacks the white stones in the upper left. ] ;W[gh] C[After White escapes to 6 ... ] ;B[md] C[... Black jumps to 7, forcing ... ] ;W[qf] LB[qe:A] C[... White to defend at 8 (Black is threatening to play A). Next, ... ] ;B[ke] C[... Black attacks the lone white stone at the top with 9. ] (;W[ih] C[White now needs to defend her stones in the center with 10. ] ;B[hi] C[After exchanging 11 ... ] ;W[hh] C[... for 12, ... ] ;B[if] C[... Black secures the top with 13. <= ] ) (;W[if] C[Variation. If White runs away by jumping to 10 here, ... ] ;B[hg] C[... Black keeps the white stones on the left separated from its allies at the top with 11. ] ;W[kf];B[lf];W[kg];B[je];W[ie];B[kd];W[jc];B[lg];W[kh];B[mi] LB[jf:A] C[After Black 21, White's stones on the left and at the top are under attack. The defect in White's shape at A will be a burden. <= ] ) )