(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ec][dc][cd][de][ob][oc][od][pc][qc][rc][rd][ne][of][qf][dq][do][mq][nq][pq][qq][rq][rp][qn] AB[fd][ed][fc][jc][nb][nc][nd][qd][pd][pe][oe][re][rf][qg][ph][jq][mo][op][pp][qp][qo][ro][pn] TR[pc] C[Problem 110. Black to play. White has just secured her corner by connecting with the marked stone. What should Black do next ? ] ;B[me] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should atari with 1, ... ] ;W[nf] (;B[nh] C[... then attack with 3. ] ;W[mf];B[le];W[lf] LB[mf:4] C[White runs away with 4 and 6, ... ] ;B[ke] LB[le:5] C[... inducing Black to secure his territory at the top with 5 and 7. ] ;W[lh] C[Next, White jumps to 8 and ... ] ;B[mj] C[... Black turns his moyo on the right into territory. <= ] ) (;B[mf] C[Failure. Black could drive the white stones toward the bottom with 3. ] ;W[oh];B[oi];W[nh];B[lh];W[ni];B[oj];W[nj];B[ok] C[Black secures territory on the right with 11. ] ;W[lj];B[ji] TR[de] C[After 13, White's stones are still in danger, but Black's moyo at the top is wide open and, with the marked stone in place, its scope is limited. <= ] ) )