(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cb][dc][eb][ed][jd][jc][kc][jf][qf][qk][qn][dq][eq][cp][cn][cj] AB[cc][cd][ce][kd][ld][lf][mc][qd][pd][qp][pq][jp][ch][ep][fp][fq] TR[jf] C[Problem 109. Black to play. White has jumped into the center with the marked stone. What should Black do ? ] ;B[qi] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black is strong above and below, so he can invade White's thin position with 1. ] ;W[ph];B[pi];W[nh];B[oi];W[oh];B[lh];W[ni] C[If White plays the sequence to 8, ... ] ;B[pk] C[... Black leans on the white stone below with 9. Next ... ] ;W[pl] TR[pk] C[... White answers the marked stone with 10. ] ;B[ok];W[mj];B[ol];W[pm];B[rk];W[rl];B[qj];W[ql];B[ml];W[kj];B[ro];W[rj];B[ri];W[sk];B[oo];W[rn] C[When White plays 26, her stones are alive, but Black has built up a moyo at the bottom. ] ;B[jg] C[After 27, White's stones are still insecure. <= ] ) )