(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[bc][cc][dd][ed][gc][qj][oj][qn][pn][po][dp][cn][cj][dj] AB[kc][od][qd][qh][qo][qp][pq][op][jp][fq][fo][ch][cd][ce][ef] LB[eh:A][fo:B] C[Problem 107. White to play. Instead of securing his stones at A, Black jumps to B. How should White attack the black stones on the left ? ] ;W[dg] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White 1 is the vital point. ] ;B[cg] C[If Black defends at 2, ... ] ;W[df] C[... White plays 3 ... ] ;B[de];W[ee] C[... and 5. and the black stones are in trouble. White is threatening to play A, but, if Black defends there, his stones will have a hard time making two eyes. <= ] ) )