(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dj][dn][dp][jc][nc][ph][og][op][oq][pq][or][qp][rp][qq] AB[pd][pf][pj][nh][fq][jp][pp][oo][po][qo][ro][np][nq][nr][mn] LB[nh:A][og:B] C[Problem 105. Black to play. Black A is not seen very often, but it is a valid move. How should Black continue after White B ? ] ;B[nd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 directly attacks the stone at the top and, from a distance, the two stones below. ] ;W[md];B[ne];W[oc];B[pc] C[After the sequence to Black 5, ... ] ;W[ng] C[... White pushes into the center with 6. ] ;B[mc] C[Black now plays 7 ... ] (;W[lc];B[mb] C[... and 9. ] ;W[lb] C[After White 10, ... ] ;B[ld] C[... Black cuts with 11, ... ] ;W[me];B[mf] C[... then ataris with 13. ] ;W[le];B[mg] C[After Black 15, the three white stones on the right side are trapped. This leaning attack is similar to the one in Problem 48. <= ] ) (;W[lg] LB[lc:@] C[Variation. Instead of @ in the Correct Answer, if White jumps to 8 here, ... ] ;B[ld];W[me];B[mf];W[le];B[mg] C[... Black could play the sequence to 13 and trap the white stones on the right side. <= ] ) (;W[mg] C[Variation. If White 8 here, ... ] ;B[lc] C[... Black secures the top with 9. <= ] ) )