(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][cc][df][nc][dp][pb][qb][qc][qd][qf][pf][og][ph] AB[db][fc][fe][lc][pd][ob][oc][pc][pe][pp][qh][of][nf] LB[qh:A][pf:B][of:C][og:D][nf:E][ph:F] C[Problem 104. Black to play. The position in the top left arose from a popular joseki. Black attacked with A and the sequence continues to White F. How should Black continue to press White ? ] ;B[pi] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The hane of Black 1 is the correct continuation. Next, ... ] (;W[oi] C[White 2 ... ] ;B[pj];W[oj] C[... and 4 are not good. ] ;B[pk] LB[pj:3] C[Black makes territory along the fourth line with 3 and 5, while White gains nothing for her efforts. <= ] ) (;W[qi] C[White might cut with 1, ... ] ;B[qj] C[... but Black plays 3 ... ] ;W[ri];B[pj] C[... and 5 in sente. ] (;W[rh];B[oh] C[He then confines White's stones to the upper right with 7 ... ] ;W[qg];B[ng] C[... and 9. This result is also good for Black. <= ] ) (;W[ng] C[If White pushes up with 2, ... ] ;B[mg] C[... Black must hane at 3. ] ;W[mf] C[White cuts with 4, ... ] ;B[nd];W[oi];B[pj];W[oj];B[pk];W[ok] LB[oj:8][oi:6] C[... reinforces her stones with 6 to 10, ... ] ;B[pl];W[me] C[... then switches to the top ... ] ;B[md];W[kf] LB[lg:A] C[... with the sequence to 14. With all of his stones secure, Black can now fight by extending to A. <= ] ) (;W[rj] LB[rh:@] C[Variation. Instead of 6 at @, Black should not turn at 6 here. If he does, ... ] ;B[oh];W[pg];B[ng] C[... Black 9 will become sente, ... ] ;W[rg];B[fg] LB[ql:A] C[... so Black can expand his moyo with 11, while attacking White's position an the left side. If Black later comes back to defend the lower right, the shape move is A. <= ] )) )