(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cb][dc][eb][fd][kc][oc][di][cj][cn][co][dp][cq][cr][rp][rq][qq][pq][nq][qn] AB[qd][pe][cc][cd][de][ch][cl][el][bn][dr][fq][iq][op][pp][qp][qo][ro][pl][pi] TR[di][cj] C[Problem 99. Black to play. How should Black attack the two marked white stones ? ] (;B[fj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should drive White towards the top with the knight's move of 1. ] ;W[dh] C[After exchanging 2 ... ] ;B[cg] C[... for 3, ... ] ;W[fh] C[... White jumps to 4. ] ;B[hi] C[Black keeps up the attack with 5, and, ... ] ;W[ff] C[... after White 6, ... ] ;B[fn] LB[jh:B][hg:A] C[... jumps to 7 to make a moyo in the lower left. If White A, Black will jump to B. <= ] ) (;B[ff] C[Failure. Black 1 certainly keeps the white stones from linking up to their allies at the top, but ... ] ;W[dh];B[cg];W[gi];B[hk];W[ii];B[jk];W[ki] LB[fh:C][gg:B][ef:A] C[... White easily escapes into the center with the sequence to 8. Black's prospects for making a moyo at the bottom are no longer realistic because Black must defend against White A. If Black B, White C keeps the threat A viable. <= ] ) )