(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][gc][dj][cn][dp][po][pn][qn][qj][oj] AB[cc][fq][jp][op][pq][qp][qo][qh][qd][od][kc] TR[cc] C[Problem 97. White to play. Black invades the corner with the marked stone. How should White respond ? ] ;W[cd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should block at 1 and build a moyo in the upper left. ] ;B[dc];W[ec];B[eb];W[fb];B[ed] C[After Black exchanges 6 ... ] ;W[fc] C[... for 7, ... ] ;B[bd];W[be];B[bc];W[cf] (;B[db] C[... Black lives in the corner with the sequence to 12, but ... ] ;W[ee] LB[mc:A] C[... White gets a thick position after playing 13. Since she is thick on the left side, White can now aim to invade at A. <= ] ) (;B[ee] LB[db:@] C[Variation. Instead of @ in the preceding diagram, Black might first extend to 12 ... ] ;W[df];B[db] C[... before connection at 14. ] ;W[ff] C[Next, White traps the two black stones with 15. <= ] ) )