(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][dd][gc][qj][oj][pn][qn][po][dp][cn][dj] AB[kc][od][qd][qh][qo][qp][pq][op][jp][fq][bj][cf] TR[bj] C[Problem 95. White to play. Black has just played the marked stone. How should White respond ? ] (;W[ci] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should play 1 ... ] ;B[bi];W[bh] C[... and 3. ] ;B[ch];W[cg];B[dh];W[bf];B[dg];W[bg] LB[bh:3][ci:1] C[With the sequence to 9, Black's stones are split into two groups. This problem is similar to Problem 9. This kind of a position often occurs, so White 1 and 3 is a nice combination to remember. <= ] ) (;W[cj] C[Failure. The combination of White 1 ... ] ;B[bi];W[bk] C[... and 3 is often seen, but in this case, ... ] (;B[ch] LB[bi:2] C[... Black is able to stabilise his stones with 2 and 4. <= ] ) (;B[dh] LB[ch:@] C[Failure for Black. Instead of playing at @, Black must not jump to 4 here. ] ;W[ci] C[White can push with 5, ... ] ;B[ch];W[bg] C[... then make a placement at 7. ] ;B[bh];W[bf] C[After White 9, Black's stones are without eyes. <= ] )) )