(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ce][ed][fd][gd][hd][id][qc][pc][oc][nc][nq][jp][dp][eq][cm] AB[cc][ec][fc][gc][hc][od][nd][pd][qd][pi][pp][pq][pn][ch][ck] C[Problem 94. White to play. The white stones in the upper left are thick, but their influence seems to be neutralised by Black's two stones on the left side. What should White do ? [You will find a supplement to this Problem Diagram as "Problem 143"] ] ;W[eh] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White caps with 1, ... ] ;B[ek];W[dj] C[... then exchanges 3 ... ] ;B[cj] C[... for 4. ] ;W[em] LB[eh:1] C[White jumps to 5, securing the territory in the lower left. The value of White 1 is that is gives her stones above breathing room. After White 5, ... ] ;B[di] C[... Black should defend at 6. <= ] ) )