EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 G17 H17 J17 L17 L16 M15 M14 M13 N16 R6 Q4 P3 C4 C5 C7 C8 D10 D11 L12 K12 K5 SETUP B Q16 Q9 O3 O2 O5 D3 D4 D5 D7 E9 C15 F15 H16 J16 K16 J14 L15 L14 L13 M12 M11 H4 MARK \t@K12 \t@L12 A@K5 COM Problem 93. Black to play. White, seemingly unable to decide how to play with his marked stones, makes a probe with A. How should Black attack ? ENDCOM B 1 K7 MARK A@R3 \t@K5 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should cap the marked stone with 1. This move isolates the two stones above. Although Black may not be able to capture this stone, he will be able to reinforce his position before going after the two stones above. In addition, he is aiming at the invasion of A. ENDCOM VAR B 1 K3 MARK \t@K5 COM Failure. Answering the marked stone with Black 1 is submissive. ENDCOM W 2 H5 COM White will force with 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 G4 W 4 K9 COM ... then jump to 4. White should now have no trouble making two eyes within Black's sphere of influence. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 K3 COM If White jumps down to 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 L4 COM ... Black will peep at 2. ENDCOM W 4 K4 COM Connecting at 4 is bad, because the three white stones are dead ... ENDCOM VAR W 4 L5 COM White answered Black's peep with 3. This was a resourceful answer. ENDCOM B 5 K4 W 6 J4 B 7 J5 W 8 J3 B 9 L3 W 10 H5 B 11 J6 W 12 G4 COM White was able to make sabaki with the sequence to 12. Next ... ENDCOM B 13 G7 COM Black 13 is a calm move. ENDCOM VAR B 13 F3 COM Failure. After White 12, it is not a good idea to deprive White of a base with Black 13. ENDCOM W 14 G3 B 15 G5 W 16 H6 B 17 H7 W 18 G6 B 19 F5 W 20 L2 B 21 M2 W 22 F6 B 23 F4 W 24 F8 MARK B@R3 A@N4 COM The sequence continues to 23, and White has escaped. Next, the peep of White A will be troublesome for Black, and takes away the value of an invasion at B. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 14 F3 COM White must play at 14 to live, ... ENDCOM B 15 F11 MARK A@R3 COM ... but Black 15 surrounds a vast framework of territory. Next, Black can aim to invade the lower right corner at A. Black has a won game. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 5 H3 MARK A@R3 COM ... after Black 5. Black still aims at A. ENDCOM