(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[de][df][cf][cj][cl][cm][cn][co][bp][qq][im][kn][mo][no][np][oq][op][pp][qn][pm][ql][rm][qh][pi][oi][nj][nk][mi][mh][li][ki][kh][pd][nc][kc] AB[dc][fc][cd][ce][bm][bn][bo][cp][cq][do][eq][pq][pr][or][nq][mr][mp][lp][jo][rl][qj][mk][mj][lh][kg][lf][mg][ni][nh][oh][nf][of][og][qf][rd][qc] TR[kc][nc][pd] C[Problem 91. Black to play. How should Black attack the three marked stones ? ] (;B[kb] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Attaching with Black 1 in an interesting move.. Next ... ] (;W[jb] C[If White plays on the outside with 2, ... ] ;B[lc];W[lb];B[mb];W[ka];B[mc] LB[hc:b][ic:A] TR[pd][nc] C[... Black will capture the two marked stones with the sequence to 7. Black is now threatening to kill the white stones by attacking at A, so White has to play B in gote to ensure that her stones are alive. <= ] ) (;W[lb] C[Variation. If White blocks on the inside with 2, ... ] ;B[jb] C[... Black will draw back to 3. ] ;W[ld] C[After 4, Black continues to attack the white stones with 5, while building territory in the top left, ... ] ;B[id];W[pc] C[... so White has to play 6 to secure her isolated stones. Again, Black ends in sente. <= ] )) (;B[ic] C[Failure. Black 1 is the move many players would make, but ... ] ;W[jc] C[... White easily makes a living group with 2 ... ] ;B[id];W[pc] C[... and 4. <= ] ) (;B[ob] C[Failure. If Black slides to 1, ... ] ;W[hc] C[... White would extend to 2, and again her stones are alive. <= ] ) )