(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][ce][de][df][gd][gf][hf][je][fh][ck][ek][gk][pq][qn] AB[cf][dg][eg][ef][gg][hg][ig][ei][fi][cm][cp][eq][qd][oc] C[Problem 90. Black to play. The white stones on the left are thin. How can Black attack them while strengthening his own stones ? ] ;B[fl] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Since the Black stones are not at all that secure themselves, Black should first peep at 1, then, ... ] ;W[fk] C[... after White connects with 2, ... ] ;B[ik] C[... cap with 3. White's stones are in danger, so she has to scramble to make life on the left side. ] ;W[dm] C[White now attaches with 4. ] ;B[dn] C[After exchanging 5 ... ] ;W[em] C[... for White 6, ... ] ;B[cl] C[... Black bumps against the white stone with 7. Next ... ] ;W[gi] C[... White hanes with 8 and ... ] ;B[hj];W[di];B[ci];W[cj];B[gj];W[en];B[do];W[fp];B[fq];W[hp] C[... manages to extricate her stones with the sequence to 18. In the process, however, Black has secured the lower left corner and his stones above are no longer in danger. ] ;B[lc] C[Black now takes the big points of 19 ... ] ;W[jc];B[pi] C[... and 21, and he has a good game. <= ] ) )