(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ed][gf][kd][nd][nc][pp][po][pq][oq][or][kp][cq][cr][dp][do][dj] AB[dc][cd][df][if][id][oc][pd][pf][pr][qr][qq][qn][qp][nq][dq][eq] TR[ed][gf] C[Problem 89. Black to play. How should Black attack the two marked stones ? ] (;B[hh] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Attacking with the knight's move of Black 1 is the correct direction. ] ;W[gh];B[gi];W[fh];B[hi];W[dh] C[After White 6, ] ;B[ic] LB[fe:A] C[... Black makes an iron pillar at 7, aiming at A as well as the three white stones on the right. <= ] ) (;B[ei] C[Failure. Black 1 is not a good move because it doesn't have a good follow-up. ] ;W[hg] C[After White escapes into the center, ... ] ;B[ej] C[... Black exchanges 3 ... ] ;W[dl] C[... for 4, ... ] ;B[ek] C[... then extends to 5. ] ;W[ig] TR[id][if] C[White extends to 6 and the two marked stones are under siege. ] ;B[dk] LB[jf:A] C[If Black tries to press his advantage on the left side, White can take control of the top with A. <= ] ) )