(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][gc][dj][cn][dp][po][pn][qn][qj][oj] AB[cf][fq][jp][op][pq][qp][qo][qh][qd][od][kc] TR[cf] C[Problem 88. White to play. Black has entered White's sphere of influence with the marked stone. How should White respond ? ] (;W[cd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White 1 not only secures the corner, it also attacks the black stone. ] (;B[ch] C[If Black extends to 2, ... ] ;W[cj] C[... White makes an iron pillar with 3. Black's stones are still under attack. <= ] ) (;B[ef] LB[cd:1] C[Variation. If Black responds to White 1 by jumping to 2, ... ] ;W[dg] C[... White will peep with 3, ... ] ;B[df];W[ge] C[... then jump to 5. Black's stones are still under attack and an invasion into White's corner in the upper left is no longer possible. <= ] )) (;W[ce] C[Failure. Attacking with 1 ... ] ;B[df];W[dh] C[... and 3 is also possible. ] (;B[ff] C[If Black jumps to 4, ... ] ;W[be] LB[ff:4] C[... White secures the corner with 5. This result is also good for White. But Black will not play 4. <= ] ) (;B[ch] LB[dh:3] C[Black makes sabaki. After White 3, Black can attach with 4 ... ] ;W[ci];B[eh] C[... and 6, ... ] ;W[ei];B[dg] C[... then atari with 8. ] ;W[di] C[If White connects with 9, ... ] ;B[fh] C[... Black can extend to 10. Black has a more resilient shape than in the Correct Answer, so this result is not as good for White. <= ] )) )