(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fc][cm][dm][em][fm][fn][bn][bo][cp][cq][dq][dr][po][pp][pq][oq][or][lq][oc][pe][id][jc] AB[dd][cf][dj][ck][co][cn][dn][dp][ep][eo][en][fq][bp][bq][br][cr][qr][pr][qq][qp][qn][nq][kd][kc] LB[kc:A][jc:B][kd:C] C[Problem 87. White to play. After Black invades at A, White attaches with B, How should White play after Black stands with C ? [You will find a supplement to this Problem Diagram as "Problem 142"] ] ;W[jf] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black's two stones at the top are heavy, so White 1 is the perfect attacking point. ] ;B[kf] C[If Black attaches with 2, ... ] ;W[kg] C[... White drives Black's stones toward her position in the upper right with 3 ... ] ;B[lf];W[lg] C[... and 5. ] ;B[mf];W[nh];B[of];W[pf];B[og];W[oi];B[pg];W[qi];B[qg];W[re];B[oe];W[od] C[White defends with 17, and Black's stones are in trouble. Next ... ] ;B[jg] C[... Black cuts with 18, ... ] ;W[if];B[jh] C[... then extends to 20 to get some aji on the outside ... ] ;W[ki];B[md] C[... before securing his stones with 22. ] ;W[ji] C[White switches to the center ... ] ;B[hg];W[ii];B[hh];W[fe] C[... and attacks black's stones with the sequence to 27. ] ;B[ec];W[fb];B[fg] C[After Black 30, ... ] ;W[om] C[... White maps out a moyo in the center with 31. <= ] ) )