(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cb][db][dc][ea][fb][gc][jc][qf][qh][qi][pj][pl][qn][rp][jp][kp][jm][cq][dp][dn][dl][cj][cg] AB[lc][pd][qd][pf][ph][qq][pp][np][jq][iq][ho][fq][dr][ej][eg][cc][cd][dd][eb][ec][fd][de][ee] TR[cb][db][dc][ea][fb][gc][jc] C[Problem 86. Black to play. How should Black attack the marked white stones ? ] ;B[ib] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The placement of Black 1 is on the vital point. ] (;W[ic] C[Blocking from above with White 2 is best. ] ;B[jb];W[hb] C[After White 4, ... ] ;B[kc] LB[jd:A][bb:B] C[... Black is threatening to peep at A and hane at B, so White's stones are still insecure. <= ] ) (;W[jb] LB[ib:1] C[Variation. In answer to Black 1, blocking at 2 seems to be a viable option, but ... ] ;B[ic];W[id];B[jd];W[hc];B[ie];W[hd];B[kd] C[... Black builds up a large moyo in the center with the sequence to 9. Black ends in sente ... ] (;W[bc] C[... since White must make eyes in the corner with 10. <= ] ) (;W[at] C[... Black builds up a large moyo in the center with the sequence to 9. Black ends in sente ... ] ;B[hb] LB[bc:@] C[What happens if White neglects to play at @ ? Black will turn at 11. ] ;W[gb];B[kb] C[After exchanging 13 ... ] ;W[ha] C[... for 14, ... ] ;B[fa] C[... Black throws in a stone at 15. Making two eyes in now problematic for White. ] ;W[ga] C[If White captures at 16, ... ] ;B[bb] C[... Black blocks with 17. ] ;W[he];B[if];W[hf];B[hg];W[gg] C[White tries to get out into the center with the sequence to 22, but ... ] ;B[hh] C[... White is trapped after Black 23. <= ] )) )