EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C18 D18 D17 E19 F18 G17 K17 R14 R12 R11 Q10 Q8 R6 S4 K4 L4 K7 C3 D4 D6 D8 C10 C13 SETUP B M17 Q16 R16 Q14 Q12 R3 Q4 O4 K3 J3 H5 F3 D2 E10 E13 C17 C16 D16 E18 E17 F16 D15 E15 MARK \t@C18 \t@D18 \t@D17 \t@E19 \t@F18 \t@G17 \t@K17 COM Problem 86. Black to play. How should Black attack the marked white stones ? ENDCOM B 1 J18 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. The placement of Black 1 is on the vital point. ENDCOM W 2 J17 COM Blocking from above with White 2 is best. ENDCOM VAR W 2 K18 MARK 1@J18 COM Variation. In answer to Black 1, blocking at 2 seems to be a viable option, but ... ENDCOM B 3 J17 W 4 J16 B 5 K16 W 6 H17 B 7 J15 W 8 H16 B 9 L16 COM ... Black builds up a large moyo in the center with the sequence to 9. Black ends in sente ... ENDCOM W 10 B17 COM ... since White must make eyes in the corner with 10. <= ENDCOM VAR W 10 PASS COM ... Black builds up a large moyo in the center with the sequence to 9. Black ends in sente ... ENDCOM B 11 H18 MARK @@B17 COM What happens if White neglects to play at @ ? Black will turn at 11. ENDCOM W 12 G18 B 13 L18 COM After exchanging 13 ... ENDCOM W 14 H19 COM ... for 14, ... ENDCOM B 15 F19 COM ... Black throws in a stone at 15. Making two eyes in now problematic for White. ENDCOM W 16 G19 COM If White captures at 16, ... ENDCOM B 17 B18 COM ... Black blocks with 17. ENDCOM W 18 H15 B 19 J14 W 20 H14 B 21 H13 W 22 G13 COM White tries to get out into the center with the sequence to 22, but ... ENDCOM B 23 H12 COM ... White is trapped after Black 23. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR ENDVAR B 3 K18 W 4 H18 COM After White 4, ... ENDCOM B 5 L17 MARK A@K16 B@B18 COM ... Black is threatening to peep at A and hane at B, so White's stones are still insecure. <= ENDCOM