(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][dg][hd][ie][jf][kf][mg][mf][lg][od][co] AB[cb][ec][fd][lf][le][ke][je][me][ld][jc][mc][qd][pp] C[Problem 85. Black to play. How should Black play in this position ? ] ;B[if] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should cut at 1. ] ;W[hf] C[White ataris with 2 to rescue her stones at the top. ] ;B[ig];W[kg] C[After White connects with 4, ... ] ;B[eg] C[... Black leans on the left-side stones by attaching with 5. ] (;W[hg] C[White must push out with 6, ... ] ;B[dh] C[... and Black takes the initiative on the left with 7 ... ] ;W[ch];B[ci] C[... and 9. ] ;W[cg];B[di];W[ee] C[White expands her eye space with 12 ... ] ;B[fe];W[ef] C[... and 14, ... ] ;B[ff];W[ih] C[... then secures the center with 16. See Problem 129 for Black's continuation. <= ] ) (;W[dh] TR[eg] C[If White defends against the attachment of the marked stone by extending to 6, ... ] ;B[df] C[... Black will exchange 7 ... ] ;W[cf] C[... for 8, ... ] ;B[hg];W[gf];B[gg];W[ff];B[ef];W[fg];B[fh];W[eh];B[fe] C[... then trap the white stones at the top with the sequence to 17. <= ] ) )