(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ec][eb][ed][dd][cd][ce][be][ci][dp][dn][jc][mc][qg][oh][oj][qj][ro][qp][qq][qr][pr][np][op][oo][po][nn][gp][hq][jq][jr][kr][kp][lp][lq][mr] AB[bc][cc][dc][bd][fc][cf][oc][pd][qe][qh][ph][pg][ql][qn][rn][qo][or][oq][pq][pp][nq][mq][mp][mo][lo][no][mn][jo][jp][ho][fq][ir][hr][iq] TR[oh][oj][qj] C[Problem 84. Black to play. How should Black attack the three marked stones ? ] (;B[mh] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Capping with Black 1 is severe. ] ;W[mj] C[If White 2, ... ] ;B[ki] C[... Black continues the attack with the knight's move of 3. ] ;W[nh] C[White tries to get some play with 4 ... ] ;B[mi];W[nf] C[... and 6, but ... ] ;B[kd] C[... Black leans on the White stones at the top with 7 ... ] ;W[pf];B[qf];W[kc];B[md] C[... and 11. White is in trouble. <= ] ) (;B[oi] C[Failure. If Black wedges in with 1, ] ;W[nj];B[ni];W[mj];B[mi];W[lj] LB[mi:5][ni:3] TR[mc][jc] C[... White easily escapes with the sequence to 6. The wall Black gets with 3 and 5 is ineffective because it is neutralised by the two marked stones at the top. <= ] ) )