EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W E17 E18 E16 D16 C16 C15 B15 C11 D4 D6 K17 N17 R13 P12 P10 R10 S5 R4 R3 R2 Q2 O4 P4 P5 Q5 O6 G4 H3 K3 K2 L2 L4 M4 M3 N2 SETUP B B17 C17 D17 B16 F17 C14 P17 Q16 R15 R12 Q12 Q13 R8 R6 S6 R5 P2 P3 Q3 Q4 O3 N3 N4 N5 M5 O5 N6 K5 K4 H5 F3 J2 H2 J3 MARK \t@P12 \t@P10 \t@R10 COM Problem 84. Black to play. How should Black attack the three marked stones ? ENDCOM B 1 N12 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Capping with Black 1 is severe. ENDCOM VAR B 1 P11 COM Failure. If Black wedges in with 1, ENDCOM W 2 O10 B 3 O11 W 4 N10 B 5 N11 W 6 M10 MARK \t@N17 \t@K17 5@N11 3@O11 COM ... White easily escapes with the sequence to 6. The wall Black gets with 3 and 5 is ineffective because it is neutralised by the two marked stones at the top. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 N10 COM If White 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 L11 COM ... Black continues the attack with the knight's move of 3. ENDCOM W 4 O12 COM White tries to get some play with 4 ... ENDCOM B 5 N11 W 6 O14 COM ... and 6, but ... ENDCOM B 7 L16 COM ... Black leans on the White stones at the top with 7 ... ENDCOM W 8 Q14 B 9 R14 W 10 L17 B 11 N16 COM ... and 11. White is in trouble. <= ENDCOM