EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 E17 C16 C14 C13 R17 P17 S15 R4 Q3 O4 S6 R6 Q6 P6 P7 N6 N7 N8 O8 M9 M10 L8 Q8 SETUP B D13 D14 D12 E16 F17 G16 N17 O15 Q15 E4 K4 Q5 R5 O7 M8 M7 L7 N9 O9 P9 P8 Q9 R9 Q7 R7 S7 COM Problem 83. White to play. That is the position reached in the game of Problem 73. How should White attack the three black stones ? ENDCOM W 1 K7 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should play a two-step hane with 1. ENDCOM VAR W 1 K10 COM Failure. White 1 is a slack move. ENDCOM B 2 K8 COM Black gets a good position at the bottom with 2. ENDCOM W 3 L12 COM White jumps to 3, ... ENDCOM B 4 L14 COM ... but Black answers with 4, mapping out territory at the top. White is under attack. ENDCOM W 5 O12 COM She expands to the right, but ... ENDCOM B 6 Q12 COM ... Black defends and takes more territory there. White's stones are still vulnerable, so Black can look forward to an interesting game. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 K8 W 3 L9 B 4 K6 W 5 J7 B 6 L5 COM After the sequence to Black 7, ... ENDCOM W 7 J9 COM ... White secures her stones in the center with 7. These stones aim at the bottom and the top. White is now ahead, so she doesn't have to do anything drastic. <= ENDCOM