(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cb][db][ec][ed][dd][cd][cg][hp][ip][gq][gs][hr][fr][er][dr][dq][eq][cq][qp][rq][sp][ro][po][qn][qj][nc][nd][ob][pb][pc][qc][rb][sb] AB[cc][dc][eb][fa][fc][gb][ic][cj][ds][cr][bq][cp][dp][ep][fp][fq][gp][ho][nq][pq][pp][qq][qh][rc][sd][re][qd][pd][od][oc][mc][mb][nb] TR[nd][nc] C[Problem 82. Black to play. What should Black do about the two marked stones ? Should he capture them in a ladder or is there something else he can do ? ] (;B[pj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 and ... ] ;W[qk];B[qi] LB[ne:A] C[... 3 are moves which take the whole board into account. Capturing the two stones in a ladder with A is small in scale. Next ... ] ;W[oi] C[White counterattacks with the peep of 4, then ... ] ;B[pi];W[md];B[ld];W[le];B[kd];W[mf] LB[le:8] C[... extracts her stones at the top with 8 to 10. Next ... ] ;B[lg] C[Black attacks the four white stones with 11 and ... ] ;W[ke];B[jg] C[... 13, then, ... ] ;W[ie] C[... after White jumps to 14, ... ] ;B[bc] C[... plays the sequence from 15 ... ] ;W[bb];B[bd];W[be];B[ce] C[... to 19 to create aji in the upper right corner. Next ... ] ;W[ac];B[hg] C[Black continues the attack ... ] ;W[ge];B[fd];W[fe];B[fg];W[ef];B[dh] C[... with the sequence to 27, mapping out a large moyo on the left side. <= ] ) (;B[ne] C[Failure. Black captures the two white stones in a ladder, but ... ] ;W[cl] C[... White counters with an invasion at 2. This move also blocks the ladder, so the fighting can become quite complicated. <= ] ) (;B[ej] LB[cl:A] C[Failure. Black 1 prevents the invasion at A and, if you lack confidence in fighting, this is also a good move. But, compared to the Correct Answer, it is a bit slack. <= ] ) )