(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][cj][ek][fj][fl][fm][cl][cn][dn][dp][eq][lj][kk][kl][jl][im][in][hn][ip][nc][pb][qc] AB[fq][fp][el][em][en][fn][gn][gm][hm][hl][il][ij][jk][kj][ki][mp][pq][pk][pd][pf][lc][le] TR[ip][in][hn][im][jl][kl][kk][lj] C[Problem 78. Black to play. How should Black attack the marked white stones ? ] (;B[kn] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should peep at 1 to destroy White's eye shape. ] ;W[km];B[mn];W[ml];B[li];W[mj];B[nk] C[After Black 7, White's stones have barely one eye, while Black is threatening to make a moyo in the lower right. <= ] ) (;B[lk] C[Failure. Cutting with 1 ... ] ;W[kn] C[... lets White make an eye with 2. ] ;B[mk];W[qo] C[Since her stones are now relatively secure, she can invade Black's sphere of influence in the lower right with 4. <= ] ) )