(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][jc][ri][qj][pj][pi][ni][ok][dp][fq][iq][jq][kq][mq][mp] AB[pd][pg][ng][qh][pk][qk][qm][pq][op][mo][no][lp][kp][jp][ho] TR[ho][jp][kp][lp][mo][no][ni][ok][pj][pi] TR[qj][ri] C[Problem 77. Black to play. Note the thick black wall (the marked stones) at the bottom. How should Black attack the marked white ones ? ] (;B[lh] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black drives White into his thick wall at the bottom with the knight's moves of 1 ... ] ;W[lj];B[ji] C[... and 3. ] ;W[ol];B[pm];W[jk] C[After 6, White can probably live, but Black gets influence in the center, giving him a huge advantage at the top. ] ;B[hc] C[Black now uses his advantage by invading at 7. ] ;W[je];B[he];W[mc] C[White extends to 10, but ... ] ;B[nb] C[... Black plays the vital point of 11, ... ] ;W[jg];B[if] C[... then confines the white stones at the top with 13 ... ] ;W[jf];B[ih] LB[df:A] C[... and 15. White will live in gote, but, in the process, Black will be able to strengthen his corner. With this sente, Black will next play A. <= ] ) (;B[li] C[Failure. The cap of Black 1 drives the white stones in the wrong direction. ] ;W[mh];B[kg];W[mg] C[After 4, White's stones should have no trouble making two eyes. <= ] ) )