EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C16 J17 O17 O16 O15 O13 Q12 M11 SETUP B J15 M15 M17 P17 Q16 Q14 S15 D4 Q4 MARK \t@J17 COM Problem 75. Black to play. How should Black attack the marked white stone at the top ? ENDCOM B 1 H17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black's three stones are thin, so he should strengthen them by attacking the white stone at the top. ENDCOM W 2 H18 VAR W 2 H16 COM Variation. If White hanes on the outside with 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 J16 COM ... Black cuts with 3. White's stones are too week to fight and ... ENDCOM W 4 G17 B 5 H18 W 6 J18 B 7 G18 COM ... her position collapses after Black 7. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 2 J16 COM Variation. White might play 2 here ... ENDCOM B 3 H16 W 4 K15 COM ... and 4, but ... ENDCOM B 5 K16 COM ... Black cuts with 5. ENDCOM W 6 L16 COM If White sacrifices two stones by playing 6 ... ENDCOM VAR W 6 H18 MARK 5@K16 COM If Black cuts at 5, White can't hane at 6. ENDCOM B 7 J18 W 8 K17 B 9 K18 W 10 L16 B 11 L17 W 12 K16 B 13 K14 W 14 J14 B 15 H15 W 16 L14 B 17 K13 W 18 L15 B 19 L13 COM Black squeezes with the sequence to 19, then ... ENDCOM W 20 M14 B 21 F17 COM ... settles his stones at the top by jumping to 21. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 7 K17 W 8 L17 COM ... and 8, ... ENDCOM B 9 J18 MARK B@L18 A@L15 COM ... Black captures with 9 and dominates the top. Next, the points A and B are miai. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 H16 W 4 G18 B 5 E16 W 6 F17 B 7 F16 W 8 D17 COM The sequence to 8 is the best both sides can hope for. ENDCOM B 9 D14 COM Finally, Black plays 9 and he has built a wall that will later be effective in attacking the six white stones in the top right. Next ... ENDCOM W 10 Q6 COM The game continued with White mapping out a moyo on the right side with 10 ... ENDCOM B 11 O4 W 12 O6 COM ... and 12. ENDCOM B 13 M4 W 14 C6 B 15 D9 W 16 F3 B 17 D6 W 18 C3 B 19 C5 W 20 D3 B 21 B6 W 22 B14 COM After the joseki in the lower left corner, White slides to 22 to prevent Black from making territory on the left side. See Problem 130. <= ENDCOM