(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][pp][kp][ho][eq][en][em][dl][ek][fl][fj][fi][dj] AB[oc][qd][ip][io][in][cp][eh][ei][ej][dk][ck][cl][cm][dm] C[Problem 74. White to play. The three black stones at the bottom are heavy. How should White attack ? ] ;W[kn] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White 1 forces Black to run away ... ] ;B[jm] LB[il:A] C[... with 2 or A. ] ;W[ll] C[White keeps up the pressure with 2 and ... ] ;B[jk] C[... Black must jump to 4. ] ;W[ji] C[By exchanging 5 ... ] ;B[kj] C[... for 6, ... ] ;W[mj] LB[qi:B] C[... White 7 becomes sente. White can now play at B and build a moyo in the lower right sector of the board. <= ] ) )