(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ec][dc][cd][cf][cg][qc][oc][re][qp][pq][np][on][om][pn][qn][rn][pl][nl][ml][mm][lj] AB[df][dg][dh][ed][fc][gd][mc][ne][pe][ep][jp][po][qo][rm][qm][pm][ol][ok][pk][nk][nm] C[Problem 73. Black to play. All of White's groups are safe. What should Black do ? ] (;B[kg] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Since there is nothing to attack, now is a good time for Black to reinforce his moyo at the top with 1. Black can expect a large territory here. <= ] ) (;B[mk] C[Failure. In the game, Black cut trough with 1 ... ] ;W[lk];B[ll] C[... and 3, hoping to isolate the white stones in the center and attack them. ] ;W[kl];B[lm];W[mn];B[km] C[But the black stones became heavy and vulnerable. <= ] ) )