(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cc][dc][cd][ce][cg][rc][qc][pc][nc][nb][md][oi][ok][pp][qq][jq][dp] AB[df][de][dd][ec][fd][lc][nd][od][pd][qd][rd][qk][pm][qo][qp][pq][oq] TR[md] C[Problem 72. Black to play. White has just played the marked stone. What should Black do ? ] (;B[nh] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should make a shoulder hit against the white stone on the right side. ] (;W[ld] C[If White follows up at the top with 2, ... ] ;B[mj] C[... Black attacks with 3 ... ] ;W[om];B[ml] C[... and 5. ] ;W[qj] C[After the exchange of White 6 ... ] ;B[ql] C[... for Black 7, White will have a hard time making life for her stones. <= ] ) (;W[lj] LB[nh:1] C[Variation. If White responds to Black 1 by jumping to 2, ... ] ;B[mc] C[... Black will cut at 3. ] ;W[me];B[jd] TR[me][md] C[Next, Black extends to 5, taking the territory at the top and leaving White's marked stones isolated from their allies below. <= ] )) (;B[mc] C[Failure. Immediately cutting with Black 1 is not good. ] ;W[me];B[jd];W[of];B[qh];W[jf] C[White turns her stones in the center into a cohesive force with the sequence to 6. <= ] ) )