(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][fc][hc][dh][dm][dp][po] AB[he][fe][de][dk][pq][pl][pd] LB[dk:A][dm:B] C[Problem 70. Black to play. The exchange of Black A for White B has taken place on the left. How should Black continue ? ] (;B[cc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should attach with 1, ... ] ;W[cb];B[dd] C[... then reinforce his position by forcing with 3. ] ;W[ec] C[White must answer with 4. ] ;B[ei] C[Black can now use his thick position above to attack the white stone with 5. ] ) (;B[ei] LB[ec:D][dd:C][cb:B][cc:A] C[Failure. If Black attacks at 1 without reinforcing as in the Correct Answer (A and C), ... ] ;W[ce] C[... White can attach and cut with 2 ... ] ;B[cf];W[df] C[... and 4, then ... ] (;B[cd];W[ee];B[be];W[ef] C[... link up with the sequence to 8. <= ] ) (;B[fh] C[Failure. Simply capping with 1 and ... ] ;W[ei] (;B[gj] C[... playing the knight's move of 3 just enables White to get the initiative on the left side ... ] ;W[ek] LB[ei:2] C[... with 2 and 4. The black stone on the left side still has some aji, but Black is now at a serious disadvantage there. ] ) (;B[fk] LB[ei:2][fh:1] C[After exchanging 1 for White 2, Black could jump to 3. ] ;W[fi];B[gi];W[gh];B[gj];W[fg];B[hh];W[gg];B[hg] C[Black confines White to the left side with the sequence to 11. This is a reasonable result, but not as good as the one in the Correct Answer. <= ] )) (;B[ef] TR[df] C[Variation. When White cuts with the marked stone, Black can't get a good result with the atari of 5 here. ] ;W[dg];B[cd];W[be];B[dd];W[di];B[ej];W[bd];B[cc] LB[jd:B][db:A] C[After the sequence to Black 13, White's stones on the left are alive and she can secure her stones at the top by playing A or B. <= ] )) )